This guide provides clear instructions on how to resolve a persistent Injection Drag Limit Alarm on a VEII machine equipped with a SigmaTEK controller. It walks users through steps to safely reset the system when the alarm occurs due to a positive stop in the pullback position, specifically when the Suck Back End (SE7) switch is triggered. This procedure is essential for field service, training, and customer troubleshooting.
Recovering from a VEII Non-Clearable Injection Drag Limit Alarm

- Navigate to the OVERVIEW>INPUT page and verify that SE7 is being made.
The green light for Suck Back End will be on when the input is active.

2. Remove the Suck Back End input (B116) located on pin 16 of the first CDI-161 SigmaTEK module located inside the low voltage cabinet.

3. MASK ON the Inj. Fwd End (ZeroPos) SE6 input on the OVERVIEW>INPUT page.

4. Go to the PARAMETER>ZERO SET page and activate the Zero Status.

5. Press the ZERO END button for three seconds on the Injection Axis.

6. Turn the MOTORS ON and move the Injection Axis in the forward direction until it is visibly off the SE7 Suck Back End switch. It will move very slowly.
7. Return wire B116 previously removed from pin 16 of the first CDI-161 module.
8. Remove the MASK ON function used for the Inj. Fwd End (ZeroPos) SE6 input that was set in step 3.
9. Move the Injection Axis in the forward direction until it comes to a complete stop. Again, it will move very slowly.
10. Return to the Input page (OVERVIEW>INPUT) and confirm that the Inj. Fwd End (ZeroPos) SE6 input is on.
11. Return to the Zero Setting page (PARAMETER>ZERO SET) and press the Zero End button for the Injection Axis for 3 seconds. Then turn off the Zero Status.

12. Test the operation of the Injection Axis in Setup mode.